The History of South Zanesville
By Norris F. Schneider
As published in The Times Recorder in 1957
South Zanesville is the only town in Muskingum county established since pioneer days. Early in 1890 the tract was covered with corn stubble, but by December it was producing a thriving crop of homes and factories.
The promoters of the new town claimed “all the city’s advantages, none of its inconveniences.” For this or other reasons the population increased rapidly until it had 1,459 people in 1950.
The part of South Zanesville that lies south of Main Street, was the old Merriam farm. Cyrus Merriam lived at Brandon, Vermont. When he was old enough to look out for himself, his father gave him $100, a horse and a new saddle. Merriam started west. When he reached Zanesville his money was gone. So he got a job clerking in a store.
By industry and economy he managed to save enough money to marry and to buy a farm. His wife was Katherine Tupper, granddaughter of Gen. Rufus Putnam, founder of Marietta. In 1826 he bought the 500 acre farm on which part of south Zanesville is built today.
Merriam called his place Shawnee farm, probably because Indians of that tribe had hunted on his farm before the county was settled and because Shawnee Run flows near it. He conducted a store near his home and operated a station for escaping slaves on the Underground Railroad.
Mrs. Virgil C. Milier, Lookout drive, is a great granddaughter of the Merriams. The Merriam home that formerly stood near South Zanesville was her birthplace.
Mayor Norval Camp explained that in 1889 the C.S. and II, railroad, later the New York Central, tried to get right of way through the farms and failed. William J. Finley bought the farms, gave the railroad right of way and platted the remainder into the village.
That was more than local people knew early in May, 1890, because the promoters of the new town kept their actions and motives secret. The Courier said on May 8:
“Real estate in the city and immediate vicinity is certainly attracting capital. The two Merriam farms lying southwest of the city on the Maysville pike have recently been purchased by a syndicate which, until the deeds are recorded, is nameless, as also is the consideration. It is understood, however, that Zanesville parties are the buyers.”
This shows that the members of the syndicate operated in secrecy until they owned the property they wanted. The next paragraphs of the Courier story show that a second man was involved as trustee:
“On this side of these farms and fronting on the pike, with the C. and M.V. passing through, is a tract of 90-15/100 acres of land heretofore known as the Francis Mattingly farm. Mr. M. is now a resident or Lima, Aller: county, Ohio. The deed for this tract was left for record yesterday and is in the name of Dr. S.F. Edgar, trustee, and the consideration is $13,000.
“Dr. Edgar represents a company of Zanesville capitalists and he told the reporters that the portion of the farm lying between the C. and M.V. tracks and the pike would be converted into building lots and he has no doubt but they will sell.
“The old Williams farm lies still north of the Mattingly farm. It also comes to the pike and the C. and M.V. runs through it. This farm has been bought by the railroad people, though by what corporation or for what consideration is not yet made public, as the deeds have not yet been left for record.”
On the next day the trustee for the purchase of the Merriam farms was named in the following story:
“Yesterday afternoon quite a number of citizens interested in the new land syndicate, under the pilotage of W.J. Finley, who is managing the buying and selling of the properties, visited the site of the new town. It was formally decided to christen it South Zanesville, and by this name it will be known hereafter. All expressed themselves as highly please with the outlook.”
This report tells us that South Zanesville was christened on May 8, 1 &90. The reporter was correct when he said “by this name it will be known hereafter.” Most Muskingum county towns have changed their names. Zanesville was West- bourn, Putnam was Springfield, Roseville was New Milford, White Cottage was Newtonville and Frazeysburg was Knoxville. South Zanesville is one name that as not changed.
The Courier story of May 9 further said: “The first lot was sold yesterday to Rich and Kear, who will at once erect an eating house on it. It is at this end that work on the terminal railway will begin as the C. and E. will cross the pike in the neighborhood or the Merriam house, and the point where the new house is to be erected will be the headquarters for the construction party.”
The article also announced that for a limited time the syndicate would donate a lot to anyone who would build a factory on it. This was done to encourage the development and use of local clays. The Courier added: “In this connection it is not out of place to say that it looks very much as if a general store would pay in the new South Zanesville.”
There was considerable speculation about the price paid for the land. Readers were given the following explanation: “In conversation with an old friend who lives on the Maysville pike south of the city, a Courier reporter was told that just before the war (Civil), the late Cyrus Merriam owned 400 acres of land in a body in Springfield and Newton townships. This land he offered to sell for $20,000 or $50 an acre. He was considered wild on the subject of land and could find no buyer. This same land, or a portion of it, has recently been sold for $200 an acre.”
William J. Finley was manager of the South Zanesville Land company, as the syndicate was called. He had formerly been associated with T.F. Spangler in the real estate business.
Late in May, Finley started to advertise his new town in flowery terms. The following paid announcement appeared in the Courier on May 26, 1890:
“Important announcement. The Hew town south Zanesville will undoubtedly continue to enjoy the measure of success with which it starts off, because we have never had any enterprise to compare with it in the history of our city. It is true many additional-and some very successful ones-have been added to our city, but never before has there been an entirely new and distinct town laid out Iike South Zanesville. All of these former additions are now inside the corporation limits, and toiling under the burden of city taxes previous to be borne. But this will have all of the city’s advantages, none of its inconveniences.” In addition to lowest possible taxes, the advertisement boasted “a network of railroads, rapid transit, lowest rates to the city, the Maysville pike as good as any street in Zanesville except Main Street. Manufacturing sites absolutely unsurpassed. The best cIay for tiling is brick, terra cotta, earthen ware, immense quarries, lime, and sandstone.”
The advertisement emphasized the railroad service. It said that single railroads entered the city at other places, “but only at one point- South Zanesville – do they combine into a great railroad center, five distinct railroads. Only about 2,500 feet from the corporation limits, three minutes ride from the depot, there are trains almost every hour on the five railroads.”
Before the year ended at least two manufacturing firms had been organized for the new town. On Nov. 2, 1890, the Courier announced that articles of incorporation had been filed for the South Zanesville Sewer Pipe and Brick Company. The incorporators were James Herdman, A.V. Smith, B.A. Dugan, C.M. Hazlett, E. E Lorimer, and S.F. Edgar. Dugan was the first president, Lorimer (vice president), Hazlett (secretary), and Smith (treasurer). The site was between the Zanesville terminal and the C. and M.V. railways. The company proposed to use a clay vein about 150 feet away that was already in by the Jones Sewer Pipe works.
The building designed for the factory was to be GO by 120 feet in size and four stories high with the basement. It was planned to employ 30 men and produce from 20 to 30 thousand bricks per day.
On Dec. 13 the Courier announced incorporation of the South Zanesville Wagon works by Capt. Ed. Martin, J.H. Peairs, James Bain of McConnelsville, J. N. Carr, and D.H. Gaumer. They planned to turn out 3,000 wagons a year of the type for which Mr. Bain is famous.”
The F.F. Kohler Bent Wood works was another early industry. South Zanesville grew with “magic quickness” after it was laid out in 1890, according to Goodspeed’s county history published two years later. “Industrial hum, energy and force are witnessed on every hand. Strictly speaking, South Zanesville is a manufacturing town,” said Goodspeed .. South Zanesville pioneers voiced confident and optimistic prophecies about their new town. They became so emotional that only verse could express their sentiments.
There was good reason for optimism. On Feb. 16, 1891, the Signal published “Notes from our thriving suburb.”W.H. Moore of White Cottage, William Slack of Cusac’s Station and M.M. Reasoner of New Concord were building homes. The foundation of the brick plant was completed. The pottery firm had finished the kiln. Brode and Stone were excavating for the passage of the Terminal railroad under the C. and M.V.
On May 18 the Signal said: “No part of Zanesville proper in her history ever made such remarkable advancement in the same length of time as has South Zanesville. The pottery works arc running and giving employment to a number of men. The brick works began the manufacture of that article this week. The buggy factory is now ready for its machinery. Work has been commenced on the axle factory. The stock stables arc well under way.”
More than 30 buildings had been completed on that date. The Signal writer continued: “One year ago South Zanesville was a farm; today it is a flourishing village, and in another year it will be such a prosperous and rapidly growing addition to this city that our capitalists who are now seeking foreign investments will be found kicking themselves for not having caught on something better and more desirable at home.”
When imagination had gone that far, the next step was to take flight into verse. Mrs. Dugan did that is the following stanzas:
Have you heard of the famous city
That is rising into view.
In the ideal land of promise,
Whose skies are always blue?
Where the sunshine never faileth,
Where no cyclones ever come,
And where rich and poor together
Can find a pleasant home.
It is where the Shawnee’s murm’ring waters
Glide so peacefully along,
And the brown thrush in the sumacs
Glads the morning with his song.
If you want a site for business,
And who is it docs not?
You can have it for the asking,
Hasten here and take a lot.
Soon machinery’s crash and rattle
Shall be heard from morn till night.
And the watchman’s gleaming lantern
Waiting for the mornings’ light.
Egypt’s trade is represented
But pressed in a different mould.
Solving thus the chemistic problem,
Base material turned to gold.
While the potter’s supple fingers
That you watch with mute surprise,
Turning clay to all things useful.
Right before your wondering eyes;
Bringing work for needy toilers
Of these same ’tis truly said
That the highest law of kindness
Is teaching man to earn his bread.
Hunger is a dreaded foreman,
Dreaded more than iron or steel
It is California in her prime
Never witnessed such a sale of lots;
The smoke will soon be rising
From a thousand chimney tops.
Soon these fair a fertile meadows
Clothed in robes of living green
Shall show forth a transformation
That is very rarely seen.
Swift as mushrooms from the surface
Happy homes shall rise in view.
Showing to the admiring public
What willing minds and hands can do.
No sound of bacchanalian revels
Ever wounds the listener’s ear;
No saloon’s degrading presence
Will be tolerated here.
This may sound slightly hypothetical
And you say, “Can this thing be?”
But if you doubt the statement,
Why, just come down and see;
When the golden fruits of Autumn
Are gathered home once more,
South Zanesville’s happy houses
Will extend to Muskingum’s pebbly shore
The town did not grow “as quick as mushrooms” but it did grow. The Signal reported on June 12, 1891, that the Dickson farm of III acres opposite South Zanesville had been bought by a new syndicate for town lots. this farm had a frontage of 1,600 feet on the Maysville Pike. The Signal had heard that the price paid for the tract was $1 (look).
On Oct. 9, 1891, the infant town, only a year and a few months old, entertained about 700 people at a barbecue. The Times Recorder said: “Excursions were run on the C. and M.V., and Z. and 0., and the C.S. and I! railroads. The people of South Zanesville arc to be congratulated on their hospitality and good management of this affair.
The ox was deliciously roasted and served in good style.” In the afternoon the New Lexington band played and the crowd watched a baseball game between the Roseville and Norwich teams. Young people danced in the “new clay works building.”
When the town was about two years old, on May 9, 1892, the Signal reported that 19 new homes were under construction. The best description of the town at the age of two is found in the Goodspeed county history published in 1892. Seven industries were then in operation. The South Zanesville Sewer Pike and Brick company was incorporated for $25,000. S.F. Edgar was president; James: lcrdrnan, treasurer; John C. Bolen, secretary; A.V. Smith, treasurer.
The Zanesville Soap company had its offices and works in South Zanesville. George W. Mason was president; C.’]’. Marshall, secretary and treasurer; William f. Tannehill, superintendent.
The new town also had The Zanesville Buggy company, a spoke and wheel works, a foundry and machine stop and a clay specialty works. Railway facilities were described by Goodspeed as follows: “The railroad facilities of South Zanesville are of the very best. The Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley railway, the Columbus, Shawnee and Hocking, and the Zanesville Terminal railway passes directly through the town, giving direct connection with all the railways diverging out of Zanesville and the large numbers of roads that cross the southeastern portion of Ohio.”
The town was not yet incorporated, but in spike of that, said Goodspeed: “South Zanesville is making giant strides upward and onward. The new town has several enterprising stores, meat market, post office, express office and railroad office. A new grade school building will be erected in the town this season. Telephone connection is had with all the principal places.” In concluding his account, Goodspeed gave a population figure seems remarkable for a town after only ten years of existence: “Taking South Zanesville as a whole, with all her new dwellings, stores, factories and handsome new depot just now in construction, she is a marvel of completeness. The population of the place numbers something over 600 inhabitants.”
In 1895 Frank F. Kohler, a former employee of the Brown Manufacturing company, established the Kohler Bent Wood works. In 1905 the plant consisted of three buildings covering two and one-half acres. Do you suppose this phenomenal growth aroused the fear in the minds of Zanesville’s leaders that the Y Bridge city might become a suburb of that “marvel of completeness,” South Zanesville? McIntire’s old town managed to keep her head.
Annexation of South Zanesville to Zanesville seemed so certain in 1930 that Editor Harry Basehart of the Times Signal declared that union was an accomplished fact. Anti-annexationists got busy and turned the tide of sentiment. The 1,477 Southtowners have built water works and a filtration plant, secured fire and police protection, and voted to send their children to the new Springfield high school.
They have city bus service, gas, electricity and telephones. They are included in the Zanesville city directory. The first step toward the independence of South Zanesville was the incorporation of the village. Officials started to plan public services for the community, South Town became self-sufficient.
One service that South Zanesville council could not provide was transportation to Zanesville. In 1903 the Courier announced that extension of the city street car track to South Town was under consideration. But the residents of the new corporation had to wait three more years for the construction of the Southeastern interurban.
The Courier said on May 20, 1905: “Now that it is assured that the Southeastern Railway, Light and Power company’s interurban line is to be built between this city and Crooksville, real estate has taken a decided advance in the vicinity of south Zanesville. This has been brought about largely by reason of the understanding that the company may be induced to establish a city schedule between that thriving suburb and Zanesville.” Before the interurban was completed, Southtowners had their choice of coming to the city by train, by buggy or on foot. When the interurban started to operate on regular schedule in 1906, property values rose, homes were built and everybody was happy.
Well, nearly everybody. The Times Recorder said on Sept. 14, 1904, that the South Zanesville school board asked for an injunction against the Southeastern to prevent construction of electric lines in front of the school. This frame structure had been built in 1892 on Maysville pike at a cost of $4,500. The school board contended that construction of the line across the school lot would “depreciate the value of this property and be a menace to the Iife and limb of the scholars.” The board could not stop progress. The line was built. The old frame school building is now the Rockhill Pottery.
When a new school was needed, it was constructed on Main street three blocks cast of Maysville avenue in 1912. South Zanesville High school was established in 1916 in an addition built to the grade school on Main street. For several years after incorporation South Zanesville had a mayor and council but offered no services. It is not surprising that annexation was discussed. The Courier said on Feb. 7, 1908, that this “thriving suburb” was now connected in Zanesville by the interurban and that “the interests of the community are common with these of the city,” and advocated annexation. The Courier continued: “Those who favor the proposition point to the fact that the village now has a high rate of taxation with comparatively few benefits and annexation to the city would mean little or no change in tax rate while the benefits to the village would be great. Police and fire protection would be accorded the suburb, property value would advance, and the territory lying between the city and South Zanesville would be developed much more rapidly than under present conditions.”
Zanesville had something to offer at that time. But nothing was done. In few years later, Maysville avenue was paved to South Zanesville. This improvement, added to the interurban service, stimulated the growth of the town. The state and county divided the cost of $11,700 for .72 of a mile of brick road. The Signal said on Aug. 9, 1912, that this paving would add from $ 100 to $200 to the value of lots in Norval Park and South Zanesville.
As the town increased in population, the South Zanesville Methodist church prospered and the congregation planned a new house of worship a few members of this denomination started to hold meetings in a tent on Shawnee avenue in 1891. Ministers from Moxahala church conducted the services. Later the Presbyterians invited them to meet in a little school house on Maysville Pike. In 1892 the South Zanesville Methodist organized and started to build a church on a lot on the hill presented by the real estate syndicate. The cost of $1,450 was not paid for 11 years. The congregation was changed from the Moxahala to the White Cottage circuit and called Beechwood Park church. In 1901 the congregation bought a lot at the corner of Pembroke and Main streets; but the new church was not completed until 1913. On June 30 of that year Bishop W.F. Anderson of New York delivered the dedicatory sermon. Some of the small industries that started operation when South Zanesville was laid out in 1890 went out of date, like the buggy factory, and others closed their doors.
John D. Peters and Adam Reed, after operating a pottery for a short time on Linden avenue where the Roseville pottery later stood, moved to South Zanesville in 1897. They occupied the old plant of the South Zanesville Clay Manufacturing company. About 1915 H.S. McClelland bought the plant and named it the Zane Pottery. It is now the Gonder Art pottery and will be described in a separate story. In 1905 the town had the F.F. Kohler Bent Wood works, the South Zanesville Sewer Pipe and Brick company, the Zanesville Gear Wood company and the William Snyder Lumber company. W.H. and W.S. Taylor made crates, on the site of the Harry L. Calig company. J.W. Jackson was a contractor. South Zanesville people bought their groceries in 1905 from A.F. Dugan, E.W. Harvey, John Roberts and E.H. Shuey H-1. Harris sold meat People employed I-IF Russell to shoe their horses so they could drive to Zanesville stores when they were too tired to walk. By 1912 the Snider-Flaut lumber company had taken the place of William Snyder, and the Hardman Potters Crate and Box company made crates for the pottery factories of the town. C.E. Smith was the blacksmith. In the 1928 city directory no one was listed to show horses, but P.E. Sims and the South Zanesville Service Station sold gasoline. The following new businesses had been added: Scott Fan and Machine company, Burley Clay Products company, C.E. Longstreth and company, crate manufacturer and the South Zanesville Hardware company, T.M. Fisher Son and company sold furniture. M.V. Kackley was the coal dealer.
Kassell brothers and Mrs. Sarah Nelson sold groceries in 1928. There was a branch of Basehart’s Neighborhood drugstores; M.F. Clapper operated a confectionery. H.A. Archer ran a billiard room. R.W. Harper and A.H. Lewis were barbers.
The Zanesville Brick company, formerly the Bolen Brick works shut down for a long period. AL Lee, superintendent, said that the plant had orders for 700,000 common brick and 300,000 paving brick. In Jan., 1920, the town hall was destroyed by a fire believed to have started from an overheated stove. The village books and records were completely destroyed. The South Zanesville Boosters association made plans in 1923 to build the present hall for mayor and council.
The Southeastern interurban, which had contributed to South Zanesville’s growth for 18 years stopped running in 1924. Residents of the village held mass 24 meetings in protest. They offered to pay ten or 15 cents instead of the regular six- cent fare. Workers signed petitions along the line pledging themselves to ride only the interurban, implying that they would not patronize the new bus lines that were taking passengers.
But they could not stop progress. The interurban never resumed operation after a strike in May, 1924. There was a temporary inconvenience in doing without the electric line. But good roads, automobiles and buses soon took the place of the interurban. In 1929 South Zanesville residents favored annexation to Zanesville. There was a good reason. The city had a lower tax rate. The rate in the city was $21.20 and in the village, $24.80. The Signal reported on Mar. 22, 1919, that a canvas showed property owners in favor of annexation.
On Aug. 22 the South Zanesville people again expressed a desire to be annexed. Petitions reported to the Signal on Sept. 12 contained signatures of approximately 76 per cent of the voting population. A year later annexation was made easier by a vote of the county commissioners to annex the 20-acre strip between the two corporations. In 1930 South Zanesville people had indicated that they were nine to one in favor of combining with Zanesville. But a few anti-annexationists started a petition. It is recalled that the late Harry Basehart, editor of the Sunday Times Signal considered annexation a certainty and congratulated the people of South Zanesville on their action. But enough opposition developed to stop the movement. South Zanesville, the youngest village in the county, keeps pace with the progress of its older and larger neighbor to the north. With water works, filtration 1’1:1111, modern firefighting equipment in operation and a sanitary sewer system soon to be constructed the village has many advantages of a large city. Earlier this month South Zanesville officials announced a plan to annex sections of Springfield and Newton townships containing 250 acres and valued at $1,500,000.
South Zanesville was advertised as an industrial suburb when it was formed in 1890. The promoters claimed the advantages of several railroads and low real estate prices. Several larger firms have taken the place of the many smaller factories that existed in the 1890’s. One of the oldest industries is the Gonder Ceramic Art company. This was organized in 1897 by John D. Peters and Adam Reed. About 1920 Harry S. MeClelland became president and general manager and changed the name to the Zane Pottery company.
The Burley Clay Products company was organized in 1923 with S.Y. Burley president and E.W. Burley vice president and treasurer. The firm makes garden ware, large flower pots and specialties.
The Finlaw Lumber company traced its origin to the purchase of the G.W. Ryther Finn at Pomeroy, Ohio, in 1951. When business declined in 1924, W.S. Finlaw and his two brothers-in-law, John and Ernest Duerr. bought the 1-I.D. Moorehead business at South Zanesville and names it the John Duerr Lumber company. Finlaw took over the management of the business in 1933 and in 1936 the partnership was dissolved and the Duerrs returned to Pomeroy. During World War II there was little building material available, The Herdman Lumber company moved to South Zanesville in 1940 and Finlaw bought that firm in 1943. To get more lumber he bought the Burkhart Lumber company at Avondale where he added a band mill and log pond and started to produce lumber.
The Snider-F1autt Lumber company was founded in 1870 at Somerset as the S. and W. Snider company. When it was incorporated under the present name in 1906, a lumber yard was opened at South Zanesville. The Somerset yard was closed in 1945.
South Zanesville secured a waterworks system with the help of W.P.A. Citizens of the village voted a bond issue of $25,000 to pay for materials for the system and a new fire engine. The cost of the work raised the tax rate in South Zanesville to 18.60 per thousand, which was 3.40 higher than the 15.20 rate paid in Zanesville.
Materials cost more than the original estimate. Consequently all the $25,000 was spend and nothing was left for a fire engine. The W.P.A. provided the labor for the system.
The waterworks system was completed during the three-term administration of Mayor Harry Morrison. Both wells were capable of pumping l35 gallons a minute with an electrical pumping system. Both wells were drilled on the Schultz estate east of South Zanesville. The first well was completed on April I, 1938. It was ten feet in diameter, 69 feet deep and had a storage capacity of 13,000 gallons. The Federal government provided $10,000 in W.P.A. labor and the municipality supplied $2,500 in materials.
The second well was completed on July 1, 1939. It has the same capacity as the first. The cost to the South Zanesville tax payers was $5,354.52, which included a pump house and electric pump. The flat rate for water consumption was $8 a year.
The standpipe provided water pressure of 80 pounds. The state health department stated that the water tested 97 per cent pure. This water system was not adequate for the village. During several periods of water shortage, water was hauled from the Zanesville system. Talk of annexation to Zanesville was revived during the serious shortage in August, 1953. Village authorities decided to solve the problem by constructing a filtration plant. New wells provided ample water but it contained excessive iron content that made it unsuitable for home use. The village advertised for bids and the Ever Soft Water company of 923 Greenwood avenue secured the contract at its bid of $30,438.
The plant was financed by a $44,000 bond issue. The new filtration plant in the Beechwood park area in the northwestern section of the village was placed in operation on Aug. 25, 1955.lt consisted of two filters, each with a capacity of 125 gallons of water a minute. Water from three wells near the plant was filtered through the new plant to reduce the iron content. Wells in the old field continued to produce soft water. It is believed that the present system will be adequate for all emergencies.
A volunteer fire department had been started in t 927 with a Model T chemical truck as the only equipment. The present organization dates from the year 1937 when the water works was built and the first fire truck was purchased. At a meeting of the South Zanesville Boosters on Nov. 4, 1955, a new municipal building was planned. It was completed in 1956, to house the new fire truck which was purchased in the same year.
The first section of the South Zanesville school was built in 1912. An addition was made in 1925-26. The gymnasium-auditorium was added in 1950 at a cost of$I03.632.lt measured 96 by 100 feet and the auditorium had a seating capacity of I, I 00 for shows and I,000 for basketball games. This building became inadequate for high school purposes. The South Zanesville and Springfield school districts combined as the Maysville district-In April, 1956, the Maysville board of education announced plans to build a new high school on an IS-acre tract on Pinkerton Lane at a cost of $544,000. A bond issue for that amount was passed by a 60 per cent majority in May, 1956. The South Zanesville branch of the John Mclntire library was opened in April, 1939, with Mrs. A. Ross Roberts as librarian. When she retired in 1954, Miss Florence Shook took charge.
Because the village records were destroyed by fire, the complete list of officials are not available Mrs. A. Ross Roberts served as librarian of the branch library for 15 years. She wrote as follows: “My father built the house I still live in, in 1891, and when the family-my father, mother, sister and I-moved to South Zanesville, I was a babe in their arms. This is the only home I have ever known.
“There were something like a dozen houses here and neighbors were not very close to each other. The first water we had was carried across the C. & M.V. railroad from the Horace Smitly home on Shawnee avenue. We soon had our own well, just a pipe with a screened point driven about 14 feet into the ground, with a pitcher pump. The well could not be pumped dry, as seven families carried water from our well and did all their weekly washing the same day. The water was clear as crystal and very cold.
“The pump stiII stands, but it is much easier to turn a faucet for hot water or cold in a warm kitchen in winter than go out on a cold zero morning and thaw the pump to get water.
“My first church was the one built in 1893 on Beechwood park hill. The ground was donated by the real estate syndicate. The people were from all denominations. It was a union church named the Beechwood Park Church. My father and mother were charter members. The church was built at a cost of$1,450. It took II years to pay the debt. Books audited in 1897 found 22 cents in the treasury.
“As the church grew in members, the name was changed to Methodist Episcopal, now the Methodist church, corner of Main street and Pembroke avenue. 1 might add that our first church supper was served in W.A. Weller’s new barn; price, 25 cents a plate. “We had many fires in South Zanesville with only a bucket brigade to put them out. The first I remember was the South Zanesville Clay Manufacturing Com, the F.L. Carnes home across the way from us in 1894. the Reasoner home about I W.n. a grocery building where the Campbell Market now stands owned hy Billingsley and Randolph in 1901. All these carne before we had a volunteer fire department.
“There were no traffic problems in those days. If you went to Zanesville shopping. you had plenty of room to walk to the street car barns. located near the entrance to Woodlawn cemetery. Returning was hardest as you took the grade over the railroad. No undercut then and to a child’s eye that was uphill. Well do I remember the deep dust down Maysville pike. If timed right, one could go over to the city on the C.M. & V. train for shopping and return on a later train. A few people moving to South Zanesville owned a horse and buggy. They were the independent people. Small farms were built on their lots. The bicycle was a wonder and most wanted by many. Then came the interubran. Oh what a happy way to go to the city; 6 tickets for 25 cents. And the opening of Moxahala Park! There were two open interurban cars for summer riding.
“One evening while crossing the river on the temporary Sixth street bridge in 1913 (these cars had two steps and passengers were not supposed to stand on the steps.) Some men insisted on swinging out on the steps while the car was crowded. One fellow lost his hold and down in the river he went. A fisherman reported him O.K. The car continued on the way, but not without some excitement.”
Mrs. H.H. Collins assisted her husband in the duties of postmaster for several years. She collected information, interviewed older residents, suggested sources of history and in general gave so much time and effort that this history would not have been possible without her help.
Mrs. Collins recalls an incident that involved the members of her own family. She writes as follows: “For many years the post office at South Zanesville had to hang a pouch of mail by the Pennsylvania R.R. depot to be picked up by a fast train that didn’t stop at the local station for passengers. Mr. Collins often did this himself and almost daily our little daughter Mary Jane, less than three years old, would go with her daddy. One day she was playing and didn’t see him leave the office, but when she heard the train, she ran after him and before anyone realized where she was going she was on the track and the train was too near for the engineer to slow down.
“Mr. Collins was returning from hanging the pouch and saw her on the track and was near enough to run and grab her when the engine was less than six feet from her. The engineer was so distraught that he could not finish his run and had to be taken off the train.
“He told us afterward he wasn’t able to work for a week. Needless to say her daddy and I never got over the terrifying memory of that day and to this day when we cross the Main street R.R. crossing Mr. Collins says he can still see Mary Jane running toward him in front of that train, more than thirty years ago.” Mrs. Bessie O.Barnes, 704 Seborn avenue, saw the beginning of South Zanesville and had an important part in several institutions. Her father conducted the first store in the village. Mrs. Barnes taught in the first school and was the first organist in the church.
Mrs. Barnes writes as follows about early days in South Zanesville: “Until a school was built in the town, the children attended classes in a one- room school house on Maysville avenue, then Maysville pike, about a half mile north of the town on the SJ. Edgar property. The teacher was Miss Nellie Showers.
“There was no well on the school premises, so the children carried water in a bucket from a water tank across the road. This tank supplied water for the Z. & W. railroad engines. “The pupils took turns in carrying the water from the tank and serving it to the rest of the pupils with one dipper twice a day.
“The first school building was built in 1902 and located on Maysville pike across from the Nazarene Church. It is a four-room, two-story frame buiIding. “The school building was equipped with double seats and desks, but usually each seat was occupied by three pupils. In those days when the teacher had occasion to leave the room he would appoint a monitor to report anyone who had misbehaved while he was absent.
“The first religious services held in the village were conducted by the Putnam Presbyterian Church members who held services every Sunday afternoon under a tent located on Shawnee avenue. These meetings continued through the summer of 1902.
“In 1902 the Methodists organized a congregation and held services in the new school building on Maysville Pike. Rev. Harvey, father of E.W. Harvey, was the minister. The congregation grew very rapidly. “In 1892 the first grocery and general store was owned and operated by E.H. Shuey. He built one of the first homes in the village in 1891. “The store was located at the corner of Shawnee avenue and Merriam street where Mr. Shuey served the public for 17 years. In a short time E.W. Harvey opened a grocery store on Shawnee avenue and Clem McConnel another on Main street near the C. & M.V. railroad depot.
“South Zanesville had several fires in its early days. There being no fire protection, most buildings were completely razed. One of the largest fires which occurred at night was the Jones Pottery which was burned to the ground. “The Zanesville fire department was called, and they sent their horse-drawn fire carriages. When they arrived the building was almost consumed. The horses were so exhausted they could scarcely stand up.
“Until the Southeastern railway was built in 1903, the village had no means of transportation but by trains on C. & M.V. and Z. & W. railroads. “The Southeastern cars ran every half hour between Zanesville and Crooksville and every 15 minutes between South Zanesville and Zanesville. The fare to Zanesville was 6 cents and 5 for 25 cents.
“The Southeastern railway was a great boon and asset to the village. In May, 1924, it ceased operations, which caused great inconvenience to citizens living between Zanesville and Crooksville.”